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Company Profile

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Company Profile

Company Name Shared Solution Service Co., Ltd.
Establishment August, 2004
Address Kohara Bldg. 2F, 1-11-10 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 101-0047
Telephone 81-3-5259-6065
Facsimile 81-3-5259-6066
Business Contents
  • ・Computer maintenance services for EOSL products
  • ・Selling of Refurbished/Used computers and their parts
  • ・Operation and management of computer systems
    • ・HDD/SDD Evaluation services
Our Philosophy We Share customer's problems with the customer, find out the Solution for the customer, and offer the best Service to the customer.
About US

Shared Solution Service Co., Ltd (SSS) was founded by ex-DEC employees in 2004 and has specialized in offering customer services and refurbished computer parts manufactured by DEC, Compaq, HP, DELL, SUN, IBM, SGI, NEC, Fujitsu and what else other manufacturers made.

SSS always listens to customers' needs and works hard for customers who hope to long use computers even after the computer manufacturers end their support services. Our engineers are well trained and have expert knowledge about various computers.

As we call ourselves "Service Consultant Company", SSS has been providing the best services and solutions to customers.

Business Overview

Maintenance Service

SSS provides our customers with our maintenance support for their own EOSL(*) hardware products on behalf of each computer manufacturer.
§ (*) EOSL - End Of Service Life

Under contract, SSS stocks the necessary parts ourselves and provides our customers with on-site/off-site hardware maintenance by our own qualified technicians. Thoroughly implementing preventive maintenance such as regular inspections and simplified checks, we are committed to proposing the best service to each customer.


Service Menu

・Basic Service

・Critical Service

・Cold Standby Machine Service

・Per Call Servicee

Other Service

Our comprehensive services satisfy any of our customers’specific needs.

・Consultation service for selecting Alternatives


・Pre-Inspection Service

・Installation service

・Consultation service for selecting Alternatives

・RE/DE-installation services

・Consultation Service for the continuous use of EOSL products

・System operation and management

Refurbished Computer Products/Parts Sale

SSS provides our customers with refurbished DEC, COMPAQ, HP, Dell, Sun, IBM, NEC, Fujitsu, SGI and any other computers/parts. All the products/parts are available for sale with a 6-month warranty bundled. Please click on the logo buttons listed bellow for each manufacturer's parts list.

  • hp
  • DELL
  • digital
  • Sun
  • IBM
  • NEC
  • sgi

HDD/SSD Evaluation Services

・HDD/SSD Reliability Evaluation

・HDD Screening

・SRS Vibration/Shock Analysis

・HDD Damage Analysis

・HDD Data Erasing

・HDD Data Recovery

・HDD Data Copy

For more information or specific questions regarding SSS businesses, please contact or e-mail to . You’ll be contacted by SSS within a day.

  • お悩みから探す
  • メーカーから探す
  • 製品から探す
  • HDDデータセキュリティ対策オプション
  • 第三者保守可能
  • よくある質問
  • ホワイトペーパー紹介
  • 採用情報
  • hpe


  • 東京商工会議所


